Soul Selfie


Selfie is one of those new words that was welcomed into existence with the introduction of smart phones and social media. Whether we like it or not, the term selfie has permeated society and has even been added to dictionaries.  There is also a song titled #SELFIE that came out this year.  If you haven’t heard it, DO NOT look it up on Youtube.  Trust me on this one. You can thank me later.

I myself have even taken selfies, much to the chagrin of my teenagers.  To be honest, that is one of the reasons I take selfies–to annoy and embarrass my kids.  Isn’t that my right as a parent?

But recently a quote came across my Facebook newsfeed that made me think a little differently and seriously about selfies.

soul selfie

That stopped me in my tracks.

When I take a selfie or when someone else includes me in their picture, I always have to make sure I look good (good = no food between my teeth, my forehead wrinkles covered, and I’m having a “good hair day”) before I let it be shared with the whole world.  I have an image to uphold, you know?

But what about my soul–that part of me that no one sees, the part that is the true essence of me?

I have always been taught that I need to set a good example for other people.  I’ve taken the song “This Little Light of Mine” pretty seriously since I was young. I do believe that my actions and words need to reflect Christ as it is through me that others will see Him.  I am definitely NOT perfect and boy, do I mess up at times, but I do try to speak and act in a way so that others would not be surprised to learn that I am a Christian.

However, what about those thoughts in my head? The times when I am thinking not-so-kind thoughts about others? The times I judge others on their actions/words/clothing/lifestyle? The grudges (ie. unforgiveness) I hold against others because they have wronged me (real or imagined)? The times when maybe–just maybe–I might have some unclean thoughts?

In the Old Testament, it was considered a sin to act on sinful impulses.  However, in the New Testament, Jesus takes it one step further and teaches that just the thought of something sinful is a sin. That’s because it is a heart–or soul–issue.

While it is nice to have an attractive and kind outward appearance, actions, and words, it is even better and more important to have inward goodness of the soul.  The soul is it is really all about, folks. The soul is the real deal and the condition or “selfie” of your soul will be probably be revealed here on earth and definitely in eternity.

prov 423b

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